* Fire report Assisted a locked out resident on the 300 block of Brightwood Avenue. November 26 Was on the scene of a smoke condition on the 800 block of New England Drive. Investigated a shorted transformer on the 700 block of Westfield Avenue. November 27 Responded to an alarm activation on the 400 block of North Avenue. Investigated a smoke condition on the 900 block of Lambert's Mill Road. In other action on the fire log, the department: November 28 Conducted an alarm investigation at the Holy Trinity Elementary School.

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The fire damage was contained, but there was considerable smoke damage to the entire store, according to the fire department Firefighters determined a portable electric space heater was the cause of the fire. Ttie Are was in the rear stock room and the fitting room area of the store. The modifications in the cap will allow for that Inside The \ Record \ this week Downtown Westfield again is bright with holiday decor and programs A-7 Viewpoint 1 explores the big seasonal IP what does Santa bring you?,'a-4 Talbot's staged a pair of accessory shows last week take a look on Business B-4 The fire department logged an active week and details of the major event are on A-2 Business B-4 Community Life A-7 Milestones A-6 Obituaries A-8 Opinion., A-4 Police log A-3 Religion A-B Sports B-l-3Ģ ' ' ' * > r - ' A-2 DecemAll smiles R_- H Hr^M w * T fl Sjjgi 5_sJ Westfield Sport Center fire extinguished On Sunday night, the Westfleld Fire Department extinguished a fire at the Westfield Sport Center on Elm Street Firefighters were alerted by a neighboring resident who smelled smoke in her apartment at 11:40 p.m.

Smith acknowledged that Westfield will receive less funding under this compromise, but "that the self-interest of our districts is better understood in terms of the needs for all districts in the state." However, the town should be able to raise the money it needs through municipal taxes, the Westfield Education Foundation, and private, corporate contributions. Elimination of budget elections when school bud- These propositions are believed to guarantee that all three types of school districts transition, foundation and urban districts will be funded in order to strive to provide equal educational opportunities for all students. Maintenance of lwal district tax efforts at current rates to ensure that school funding adjustments are directed toward aid to education. A modification of the school budget caps provisions. A freeze in compensdtory education and atrisk aid at this year's levels.

A four percent increase in foundation aid to nonspecial needs foundation districts. Retention of aid fur s[xu.'ial education, bilingual and gets are at or below cap. Continued movement toward equity by special needs districts this equals a $150 million increase over this year's amount. 1 rr O H- I» an districts 10 elements (o be ineluded in the school funding proposal: State payment of pension and scx-ial security for teachers.